
Welcome to my website and blog! My name is Dr. Holly Castle and I am a Naturopathic Physician with a boutique practice in Scottsdale, AZ that allows me to focus on providing highly individualized health care. I have been practicing for almost twenty years and hold licenses in both Arizona and Oregon. My approach to healing is guided by the Principles of Naturopathic Medicine:

  • Do No Harm
  • Identify and Treat the Cause
  • The Healing Power of Nature
  • Doctor as Teacher
  • Treat the Whole Person
  • Prevention

Licensed Naturopathic Doctors are trained at accredited 4 year naturopathic medical schools, after which time we are rigorously tested through board examinations. In addition to the typical medical curriculum, we are also trained extensively in the traditional therapies of clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, and physical medicine.

Naturopathic Doctors tend to practice according to their affinities and interests, so you will find that there are as many approaches to practicing Naturopathic Medicine as there are doctors.

Modern living is now almost entirely cut off from the natural world and its daily, monthly, and seasonal cycles. For the most part we are driven by an external schedule that is dictated by our work, academic, and societal obligations. Consequently, taking time to attend to one’s health is often thwarted.  We become conditioned to soldier on with our responsibilities while suppressing or ignoring our symptoms because we do not feel that we have the “luxury” of attending to ourselves.

This pattern, repeated over a period of time, becomes well entrenched and can create a chronic imbalance to which the body can no longer adapt. At that point more symptoms and/ or illnesses are manifested.

My goal is to provide safe, gentle, effective, individualized therapies that address the underlying cause of your symptoms and help bring your body, mind, and spirit back into balance. I have a particular affinity for homeopathy and energetic medicine. I treat people first because I appreciate that your experience with your symptoms or diagnosis is not the same as another person’s experience.

Please explore my website and enjoy my blog. You will find that my blog covers a range of topics such as nature cure, nutrition, cooking, reading, research, and my personal musings. My blog is intended to educate and provoke thought, rather than diagnose or treat. Please do not take the information as a guide for treating yourself.