Dr. Holly Castle

Dr. Holly Castle

It Is All About Balance

It's All About Balance drhollycastle.com

Why do so many of us find it so difficult to prioritize our own good health? As a healthcare provider and natural wellness specialist, I find it baffling that it usually takes a crisis for us to pause and start…

Don’t Let 8 Weeks Get the Better of You

8 Weeks drhollycastle.com

Even the most disciplined individual can find their daily health regime derailed at the end of October through January 1. Once that Halloween candy appears, it is difficult to stay resolute. Then come the comfort foods you’ve stayed away from…

Why Timing Matters

Why Timing Matters drhollycastle.com

Have you ever examined a Farmer’s Almanac? It contains lots of information about planting schedules, weather predictions, and moon cycles, among other things. There is a rather large section on planting according to moon phases. This information is consistent with…

Benefits of Walking

Benefits of Walking drhollycastle.com

If it has been awhile since you actively exercised and you want to get back in the swing of things, then walking is one thing you can start doing today. It doesn’t require training, a financial investment, or special equipment,…

Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

Principles of Naturopathic Medicine drhollycastle.com

As a Naturopathic Physician, I am trained to utilize the conventional methods of medical diagnosis, as well as the traditional healing modalities of natural medicine. In blending the two perspectives, my approach to healing is guided by the Principles of…


Welcome to my blog drhollycastle.com

Welcome to my website and blog! My name is Dr. Holly Castle and I am a Naturopathic Physician with a boutique practice in Scottsdale, AZ that allows me to focus on providing highly individualized health care. I have been practicing…